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Specal Events
UTC conceives, writes, produces and manages large scale site specific events such as:
‘The Geening of Lord Litter’ for Newry District Council (1991)
A full day event with morning, afternoon and evening performances all over the town and culminating in the Town Hall. Chris Clean and his troop of wardens strive to keep the city clean. The city is being vandalised by Lord Litter and his ogres. Battles are joined in various locations, including shopping malls, streets and squares. Finally Lord Litter is captured and put on trial in the Town Hall … he is converted and a party erupts, to which all are invited.
‘The Strabane Hiring Fair’ for Strabane District Council (1995 and 1997)
One of the largest community events in recent history … hundreds of participants from the town and surrounding areas recreated a wide range of events throught the day. Shop windows were dressed, story lines re-enacted with multiple street theatre events, period stalls lined the street … and that was just the morning. In the afternoon giant, fifteen foot high puppets entered the town … the ‘hiring train’ towing carriages with puppet children ‘to he hired’ arrived … the bidding started … a wedding was celebrated … line dancing in the town square … a talent contest. In the evening a huge procession with chineses lanterns paraded through the town … the giant puppets lined the bridge … the lanterens were flaoted down the river on a raft of remembrance (escorted by underwater frogmen) and a firework display erupted. Many thousands were drawn to the town for the day.
‘The Awakening of the Fairies’ at Gilford Castle (2000)
An afternoon and evening performance, staged on a ten acre field … a concert … the eneactment of the fairies and dwarves wars … with twelve roaring tractors (dressed as dwarf war machines) weaving in choreographed patterns … galloping horses as the fairies arrived … huge flying images … an enormous white glowing cacoon … hundreds of costumes … a massive lighting rig … huge sound …